Reflection Week 3
Carrie Walsman
Some of the best things I learned this week from class was how important it is to set yourself up for success rather than failure and what's important to focus on vs on what you can think about in the future.
It was shocking learning that some people actually need to be taught that.
It's important to be able to trust your employees.
You need to learn how to work hard, and remember your goals.
Ask yourself what business you want to be and who do you want to attract, do you want to be an A-grade business? Or are you lowing your standards and values to be a B-C grade business.
A talk called "Making a Living and a Life" by Elder Lynn G Robbins talks about different levels in Business.
For a reminder an A grade business is
"Those at the A-level aren't working for mankind, but living for mankind, trying to lift and help others. In addition to making a living, they are making a life."
Keeping a center focus on the gospel.
A B level is " At the B-level, the primary motivation is money, but there is still a love of fellowmen and a genuine desire to provide good products and services to customers. This could even be an A-level person or company who has been sidetracked by the world. "
A C level is "At the C- level, the "love of money" is the only motivator. The businessman or woman engineers minimal quality, or the appearance of quality, into their products and services so that they may be competitive and survive, but look for the cheapest ways to produce"
D level which I hope I never have to run into is "the unwary are more victims than customers. Once again the motivation is the love of money, but this time at the peril of the customer, who will be harmed and maybe even injured or killed. Profits at this level are known as "filthy lucre."
I hope in the future to always be an A business and to always have my eyes set straight.
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