
Week 14

 Week 14 Reflection Carrie Walsman 4/5/23 This is our last week of the semester and I am so excited!  It's crazy how much my life has changed course since February and it's still constantly changing.  If you I one final lecture to share with a group of students on what you have learned from this course, I would share what the last sentence was that we studied which was.                  "   Get prepared, because your opportunities will come and if you are not striving to be in ideal performance data at your best, your days of standing on the victory podium will pass to another. My friends, it's time to make it happen." We need to prepare ourselves for our future, and the best way to start is now, but applying all of the material we learned, which may seem a lot. They are a few key moments a take a way's which make it a little easier to remember. Which are, Keep learning by have an open mind, know your talent...

WEEK 13: Relefction

 Reflection Week 13 Carrie Walsman  This time in my has never been more full of opportunities, and I'm trying to figure out what path to take.  I really liked this week in the PDF file we read which was the framework for identifying and exploiting opportunities.  In the file it says "The questions associated with the criteria are in a yes/no format. But in fact, there are four possible answers to each question. A “no” is a clear red light. For a clear green light, the entrepreneur should be able to give a “yes,” or, if the economics of the opportunity are reasonably predictable, a qualified “yes.” The potential of an assisted-living venture, for example, can be assessed by looking at such factors as demographics, income, existing competition, and applications for new licenses. Sometimes you may not be sure, either because you lack the necessary information or the information simply isn’t available. If your answer is “need more information,” you must determine whether...

Week 10:

 Reflection Week 10 What I've learned this week. - Carrie Walsman  I really liked this weeks learning. This has been one of my favorite classes and I love what I've been learning.  One parable that stuck out to me was an old Cherokee parable.  " One evening an old, wise Cherokee sat by the fireside and told his grandson about the human experience. He described a battle which rages inside all of us. There’s a battle between two wolves—one is evil and one is good. The grandfather explained that the first wolf—the evil one— represented anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. Long list. The second wolf, the grandfather continued, is the good one. Represented joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and even faith. The grandson thought about the situation for a minute. He then asked his grandfather, “Which w...

W09: Reflection

Week 9 Reflection: What I learned this week - Carrie Walsman      This class always amazes me with the content we learn each week. Each week keeps getting better and better, and somehow ALWAYS perfectly aligns with my real life situation.       Touching more on a personal manner, since Hawaii and it changing my whole life's direction, it just changed again. The plan is looking like I will be moving back and forth between Hawaii and Utah, starting after May, to help with the business social media's. I'm really excited and I'm hoping the business can get to that point, I honestly think they need my help to get things lifted from off the ground because right now they are stuck.  Currently I just started a small business with my sister selling bracelets, I had the feeling that it's the right choice to make and to take the leap, so I ordered what we needed and so right now were making content for all of the socials which only 48 hours in has taken off ...

Week 08: reflection

Don’t doubt yourself or the Lord Week 8 reflection  Carrie Walsman 2/20/23       I’m so grateful for this class. I feel like what we learn each week aligns with real life problems. I’ve recently received a prompting like I needed to do something, but it’s taking longer or not working out as well as I was hoping for. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for us, but I also know everyone has agency that can interfere sometimes.        This week we got to listen to a talk and long story short it was don’t doubt yourself with what you can do and don’t doubt the Lord. If we are doing our best to listen the Lord will open doors for us and we can see him provide ways. That was something I really needed to hear this week especially after my education and experienced was questioned. In the moment it stunned me and I laughed it off, I shouldn’t have let it hurt my confidence as much but I did.  I need to press forward with full faith in Christ and confiden...

Week: 07 reflection

 Stand True and Faithful  Carrie Walsman  2/16/23 One of the things I would like to reflect on is president Hickleys Talk Stand True and Faithful. Throughout the talk he is talking to the young women of the church and encourages them to stand up for what is right and keep the commandments at all times and in all things and in all places.  It made me think of having good business ethics, and having those align with the everyday life.  I believe it’s so important try to keep faithful where ever you are to have the constant companion of the Holy Ghost. By having the Holy Ghost as a constant companion you can make better choices and be directed in the path you’re supposed to take.  President Hickley also addresses the importance of receiving an education and goes onto say that this generation has so many opportunities.  In conclusion, president Hickley wanted to get across to be Faithful, have virtue, be true to ourselves, and recieve an education. 

Week 6 reflection

Week 06 reflection What I learned  Carrie Walsman 2/3/23 Aloha from Hawaii  The learning still continues on vacation.  I really enjoyed this week's readings and videos. I felt like it was a great realignment back with Heavenly Fathers plan, and the iron rod.  Starting with the talk by President N. Eldon Tanner “Success Is Gauged by Self Mastery”  In the talk he proceeds to states “If you want to be successful or outstanding in any field of endeavor, it is important that you determine while young to be a great boy, and not wait to be a man to be a great man; and then have the courage and strength and determination to discipline yourself, apply self-control and self-mastery.”  I love this quote. It’s important to start early and decide now your morals and values and stick to them. This quote also reminded me of a code of conduct exercise that we did which had us write what we aren’t and are going to do.  Another good thing we read was about learning your...